Our "Standard" Canadian shipping option is sent out via regular mail. It's lower cost, but takes longer (3 to 12 days from ship date). Choose "Expedited" for parcel tracking, $100 in insurance, and faster delivery (2 to 3 days from ship date).
As we continue receiving new stock and doing germination testing, you'll see a number of products listed as "Not currently available". Have no fear, they'll be back online soon! You can sign up to receive a notification when those seeds come back in stock!
This is our busy time for seed orders, and we're packing orders as quickly as we can! It might take a week or so before your package is shipped, but have no fear, your seeds will arrive!
February newsletter is out! Find news on featured seed crops, and co-op updates. Missed it? View the newsletter here. Not on our list? Subscribe through out website: www.bcecoseedcoop.com