Mercy’s Mushrooms
Mushroom SpawnKing Stropharia
Mushroom Spawn
King Stropharia60 to 90 days
Certified Organic
Stropharia rugosoannulata
Shipping is included in the product price.
A quick-growing and high-yielding mushroom that does well in beds of either fresh straw or deciduous woodchips. A great companion fungus for both annual and perennial plants, King Stropharia can be planted in a mulch layer, in garden pathways, or in stand-alone beds. This mushroom has large, showy burgundy caps, and can be substituted for portabella or other button mushrooms in any recipe. Its taste has been described as having notes of red wine and cooked potatoes.
Also known as Wine Cap or Garden Giant, King Stropharia produces very well following rains or a dip in temperature. Expect several flushes per year. This variety perennializes well, and does best with an annual top-up of bedding material.
One 5lb bag will inoculate an area of up to 50 sq ft.
For full instructions on how to grow, click here.
DOES NOT SHIP TO THE US. Product ships separately from other items from BCESC.