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Akasha Seeds

Tong Ho

50 Days

Ecologically Grown

Regular price $4.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.95 CAD
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Chrysanthemum coronarium

This charming annual Chrysanthemum is native to Europe, where it's been traditionally grown as an ornamental, and parts of Asia, where it is grown as greens. Also known as Chop Suey Greens, and Garland Chrysanthemum, the leaves and beautiful yellow flowers with white tips are edible, the leaves becoming smaller as the plant matures into flowering.

These popular Asian greens are full of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, have a savoury flavour, and are tasty in salads, stir-fries, and soups. Also make great cut flowers. Sow in fall or early spring.

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