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FarmFolk CityFolk


65 Days

Certified Organic

Regular price $4.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.95 CAD
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Lactuca sativa

Celtuce grows and tastes like romaine lettuce and can be used the same way. However, unlike lettuce, with celtuce, the crunchy spring vegetable is the bolting stalk. Cut the plant when the enlarged stem reaches 8-10" long. Prior to eating, trim or peel off the outer skin to expose the edible central core. The stem pieces are excellent stir fried, broiled, used in salads (or fresh as you would celery) or even pickled. 

Found throughout Asia and soon to be gaining popularity in North America! Want to learn more about it? See articles here, here and here!

Certified Organic

How to Grow:
Sow seeds about 1" apart in rows 12-18" apart or sow in clusters of 3-4 seeds every 8". Cover seeds lightly, about 1/8", firm soil gently, and keep surface moist until emergence in 3-5 days (or longer in cold weather). Thin to 8" apart. Can start indoors 2-3 weeks before transplanting out. For a continuous harvest, sow every 2-3 weeks, seeds will germinate even at low, (40°F/4°C) soil temperature, but poorly above 75°F/ 24°C).

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